Coast to Coast Tours Auckland – A Guide

Many people don’t know this but when you look at the map, the city of Auckland is almost a whole island by itself. As a matter of fact, the strip of land that connects Auckland to the North Island at the Ōtāhuhu suburb is narrow enough for ancient Maoris to carry their boats across it. This makes for some great Coast to Coast Tours in Auckland.

The harbours of Waitemata and Manukau are separated by about less than three quarters of a mile at its narrowest point. Similarly, the widest points of Auckland Isthmus can be crossed on foot in less than a day.

There are so many ways and options for anyone who wishes to do coast to coast tours in Auckland. You can do it with four wheels or two wheels or on foot. Whichever you choose, you are sure to find incredible sights along the way.

Coast to Coast Walkway Tours

The world-famous coast-to-coast walkway across Auckland is only about 15 kilometres. This starts from Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Coast, all the way to the Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea. For comparison, that is around 965 kilometres by boat, should you wish to sail around Cape Reinga and end up at the same place you could walk in a little more than 15 km.

The coast-to-coast walkways across the city offer a wide variety of sights: from the stunning countryside and far-reaching views of Mt. Eden to the open fields of Auckland Domain. If you are looking for ways to enjoy coast to coast walkway tours in Auckland, then you have come to the right place. Here are some tips to get the best out of your adventure.

Auckland Coast to Coast Walkway Tours

There are multiple starting points for the coast to coast Auckland walks. The most popular, however, is Onehunga sitting on the Manukau Harbour, and across to Auckland Central on the Waitemata Harbour. Of course, you can go the other way around.

Here are quick facts you need to know:

Walk distance: around 16km one way (9.6 – 9.9 miles one way)

Difficulty: Intermediate

Walk duration: 3.5 hrs. to complete.

While you can finish the walkway in approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes, you can, of course, take a leisurely walk and enjoy the scenery at  Mt. Eden or Cornwall Park.

First Stop: Jellicoe Park

As you walk past the Victorian houses, you pass through Jellicoe Park. Known as the oldest park in Onehunga, this Victorian-style park is more than a century old. The open space is great for picnic and recreational activities.

Second Stop: One Tree Hill

The hill is actually a volcano with three craters; don’t worry though, as it has been inactive for more than 20,000 years.

Standing at 187 metres above sea level, the view from the top of the hill is stunning, as it gives you 360-degree view of South Auckland.

Try Coast to Coast Tours Auckland
One Tree Hill

Third Stop: Cornwall Park

At the foot of One Tree Hill is a lovely cafe. It is a favorite stop among coast to coast walkway tours guests, which serves a variety of snacks and good coffee and tea.

The park is an expansive 171 hectares of green space located near the heart of Auckland. It is quite popular among friends and families for picnics, barbeques, and other recreational activities.

Fourth Stop: Mt. Eden

Next stop is the stunning Mt. Eden. Arguably the most popular volcanic mountain in the city, Mt. Eden (also known as Maungawhau in the Maori language) is the highest natural peak in Auckland. The summit takes you 196 metres above sea level and offers a spectacular view of the city and harbours.

Fifth Stop: Auckland Domain

A little further is a large park named Auckland Domain, located at the site of Pukekawa volcano.

Auckland Domain also houses the Auckland War Memorial Museum, Domain Wintergardens, and a massive park.

For more information on the Auckland Museum and surrounding Domain, jump over HERE

Sixth Stop: Albert Park

Located at the heart of the city, Albert Park is a public park in central Auckland and is the last landmark for the coast to coast walkway tour in Auckland. Located right next to Auckland University.

Coast to Coast Wine Tours

Combining west coast and east coast scenery with wine tasting at some of the best wineries in Auckland, the coast to coast wine tours gives you the best of both worlds.

There are many tours to choose from. One of the more popular coast to coast wine tours starts at the family owned and run wineries in the west coast region. Here you get spectacular view of the Tasman Sea, the black sand of Muriwai beach, and the Takapu’ gannet-colony.

The good thing about many wine tours in Auckland is they ask their guests for their preference, taste, and interest, so they can recommend the wineries that suit them.

After the first winery stop is a short one hour cross-country drive to the Pacific East Coast where guests can indulge in a variety of sceneries. This includes farms, forests, and rural communities. A little further north and you encounter gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean, with some small bays and beaches.

The second stop is for lunch at the vineyard/restaurant s of the Matakana region.

After lunch stop, you will take a stroll at Matakana’s unique boutique estate winery and sample their exclusive and locally produced wines before going back to your accommodation or the city.

This coast to coast tour in Auckland is recommended for wine lovers or connoisseurs.

For bookings, jump over HERE

Auckland wineries Coast to Coast Tours Auckland
Auckland has some fantastic Wineries

Coast to Coast Biking Tours

If you prefer to cross Auckland via bike, then you can take a self-guided bike tour.

A common bike (or e-bike) tour includes riding through popular trails and visiting volcanic parks in the city. There are a lot of similarities in this tour with the walkway tour except in reverse.

You can check out the stunning cathedrals, famous gardens, and other natural sights around Auckland, especially Parnell.

Next stop is the Auckland Domain, the oldest public park in the city.

Then, cycle up to Mt. Eden to get a 360-degree view of the city.

Next is One Tree Hill. Like Mt. Eden, this dormant volcano also gives a 360-degree view of the city.

Then, visit Onehunga and explore the old villas and Victorian suburbs.

Wrap up the tour at Mangere Bridge and soak in the gorgeous and peaceful coastline of Manukau Harbour.

New Zealand, especially Auckland, is a true walkers paradise. If you are visiting the city and are looking for ways to enjoy the beauty of nature during your stay, then you should definitely check out these coast to coast tours so you can soak in the sights and sounds.

Try Coast to Coast Tours Auckland
Cornwall Park

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